Sedalia Depot/ Thursday Doors

I’ve decided to share another panoramic pic this Thursday Doors. This will be my final Doors entry until after April since I’ve once again (5th year) joined up with the April A to Z Challenge. That will be more than enough to commit to given my fulltime-working life.

So without further ado, I present the Sedalia Depot.

SedaliaTrain3 (2)

Some choppier views……

 I find it very hard to see this as a 2-story structure. But  apparently it was prior to 1951. You could read about it and some rather lengthy, extra Sedalia history here. Or just take my word for it. The story ‘in short’ is that this station had a vibrant past, a lull where it needed a little push from local and state sources to step into the next era, and now is a success story that could have easily been the ending. It’s currently an Amtrak stop for 4 daily trains. The Missouri River Runner travels from Kansas City, Missouri to St. Louis, Missouri and back each day.

I just want to add a personal note to the Sedalia Downtown Development,Inc for following through with this project. Kudos to you! I sincerely hope it is not the end of our saving the visual past of our beloved “Queen City of the Prairie”.

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