Herdin’ ’em Up/Inez’s Clippings

Word association will be my attempt to meld a post with this week’s clipping. I struggled with this one but I loved the clipping enough to work with it. Maybe you’ll appreciate the humor and maybe not. Living rural will give you an edge for sure so, city slickers, just know that running over a cow is not an option. Enough said I think.

My ‘herd‘ of projects is becoming a bit excessive so maybe if I share some, or plans for some, I’ll get more finished just for accountability’s sake. I can hope at least.

I’ll begin with the quilt that should be finished by now—if we had a little cooler weather it would have helped. Hand quilting is so much more appealing when it’s going to keep your lap warm. At least all that’s left is this small section and the binding.

This one is actually finished thank goodness! Called Mini Sunbonnet Sue Months of the Year. I did not piece this quilt. My dear hubby found it on eBay for a steal. All I had to do was finish the hand quilting portion. And here is where I’m going to insert an explanation for those who don’t quite understand. There is a difference in construction definitions when I say (or a quilter says) they ‘Hand Quilt’. This refers to the stitching you see all over a quilt. When someone says they “Hand Piece”, it means they have sewn all the portions of the quilt by hand, not on machine. I Don’t “Hand Piece”. lol I’m way too busy for that. Hand quilting is my thing and I like the way it looks with hand stitching rather than machine stitching over the top of a quilt.

And on Friday my dear youngest daughter informed me we needed a baby quilt done by Saturday at 1 pm. There was only one way that would happen and she agreed to participate and assist. Thank you Kirsten and glad you got a lesson in this form of quilt assemblage.

And something I’m preparing to do is use up some spare quilt blocks in a fun way. Mini quilts are my latest endeavor and much more do-able in a short amount of time. They will mostly be machine quilted for those who are wondering. I simply have too much to do to hold onto all these forever.

Vintage blocks from auctions, gimme's from mother & aunts, as well as my own creations.
Vintage blocks from auctions, gimme’s from mother & aunts, as well as my own creations.

The one I’m keeping for display for myself is this one. Funny how I got a memory of it come up today on FaceBook.

So I’m a little behind on stuff as you can see. Had a set of custom bowl cozies picked up this morning and yes I do take some orders. Within reason.

Arizona Diamondback Fans
Arizona Diamondback Fans

And last for this round up but definitely not the only project going on is this quilt that hubby (again) found on eBay. Lots of quilters make tops but never get them completed. This is where I’ve found a niche and I’m gladly taking time to Hand Quilt this one. It is also hand pieced and my admiration goes out to the lady who created it. You only get a peek though 😉

Calling it 'Precious Moments' for the fabric used throughout.
Calling it ‘Precious Moments’ for the fabric used throughout.

I’m a bit long-winded this Monday as you can see. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful week!

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