Mosaic II/ #AtoZ

The April A to Z Blog Challenge is an annual blogging event in which participants blog every day (except Sundays) one post for each letter of the alphabet for the entire month. My theme for the year will be “Quilts and Ozark Slang.” So gitchur coffee or sodapop, grab a pilluh, and sit a spell.

This one is very simple. And when you’re doing over 2 dozen never-before-sewn blocks in a time crunch, a few simple ones are absolutely acceptable. Have I ever mentioned working how 11-hour days are a little taxing the older you get? Any sympathy is appreciated 😉sarcastic mr krabs GIF

So the Ozark slang for the day is probably not that unknown, but it was well used back in the day during my high school years. Miss Goody two shoes is the phrase and you know the type. They’re all about themselves and think they are too good to even breath the same air as you. Hence they were portrayed by my friends with a finger towards a turned up nose. It’s most definitely a mudslinging term if they came from the same station in life as you and were no better off. We would say they were ‘above their raisin’.


There are many more wonderful blogs this year that I hope you can spend a couple minutes reading. All you have to do is click here and select something that interests you. To read about the A to Z Challenge and what we are all about, click here.



    • Thank you for that observation 😊 I’ll definitely have a shorter workweek as I closed today with a little bug. Occupational hazard of working with little ones. Hopefully it’s short lived.


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