Quietly Catching Up


It is hard to believe how much time has passed since my last post on March 28! But here I am, back again, ready to give some Thursday Doors offerings as well as show some stuff from life here at home. Well, we haven’t been home this entire time. For instance, Ron had several hospital stays between April 2 and April 19. So I should say, Home-Ish. Nonetheless, glad to get some normalcy returning and fill in followers and new visitors alike. So here goes my tale, mostly in photos and captions. First, The Doors. Had to do a special Saturday med pickup at the Truman VA in Columbia, Missouri. So while I waited, I thought I’d share a visual.

Was a nice and quiet afternoon pickup at the pharmacy where during the week it’s a very busy place.

Now for some randomness which is the state of our lives right now. Getting back to a routine is not as easy as one would think — especially with so much to do after all the absences. Life moves on with or without you.

And then there were the lovely weather events. Wind damage, extreme lightning events, tornado warnings, flash floods. So internet outages and tv signal losses followed. I suppose you could say that springtime in Mid-Missouri has welcomed us home with lots of drama.

Leaving you with a lovely view of the Missouri River bank full. It has been quite a minute since we’ve seen this water level over the I-70 bridge at Rocheport. Fingers crossed our drought has ended. And since my blogging drought is ended, I encourage you to sail on over to Dan’s @ No Facilities to see more Thursday Doors for the week. Also I hope you can check out the Writing Challenge hosted each year using exclusively chosen Thursday Door photos. This is an active group of bloggers and you will be glad you stopped by!

Question: You’re lost in the desert, and you see Bugs Bunny, a cactus and a good banjo player. Who do you ask for directions?

Answer: Might as well try the cactus. The other two are figments of your imagination.


  1. Congrats on maintaining a sense of humor. 🙂 I attempt maneuvering some similar obstacles that life has thrown down, and it isn’t for the faint of heart. It looks like you have wonderful family support, and that means a lot so applause to them. Here’s hoping your husband continues to improve or maintain and you both get to spend more time at home. We watch your weather because of family and history and you guys have had some real challenges. We have had so much rain our local reservoir is almost up to the road. I’m with you that I hope we don’t deal with a drought as soon as the temps warm up. Take care and that includes taking care of yourself as well which is not easy as busy as you probably are each day.

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  2. Welcome back! I hope Ron continues to recover in the comfort of his home. Nice job with the ramp. I also hope your drought has ended. It’s always sad to see a river running low. Nice bit of humor at the end, and cool that your youngest made the cover. Thanks for mentioning the writing challenge.

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