Calaboose/Thursday Doors

kaluh-boos, kal-uhboos ] Definition: Noun Slang. jail; prison; lockup.

Today’s Thursday Doors is another donation project of which I am always grateful. The youngest daughter is my enabler this week, along with her bestie/cousin’s girlfriend/future cousin.

Not wanting to prolong the post this week as I have a kazillion things calling, I’ll cut to the chase. The pictures following are from Springfield, Missouri of an old 1891 police sub-station; nicknamed ‘Calaboose’.

Wow. This is the first time WordPress has allowed me to caption all photos in the new editor! Sorry, got sidetracked there. It’s the small things sometimes.

The sign will tell you that it’s a police museum but was closed at the time. Might be a future stop for them? Bet it has a few gems inside!

Make your stop over at Norm 2.0 for more fabulous Thursday Door entries. Wonderful entries from all over!


      • Funny you should mention “Springfield” because when i first came to this post and saw the sign – I wondered where this Springfield was…. and I remembered a radio show back in 2002 that talked about the Simpson’s and “which” Springfield the writers were referring to – and why they picked that city name for the simpson’s show, etc.


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