Outing with Grandma/ Thursday Doors

Having reached middle age, the priviledge to take my mother places that she probably wouldn’t go on her own is ranking pretty high on my list. Not to mention being able to include other family members on these excursions. Such was the case for this Thursday Doors post.

I’ve mentioned a few times the Lawrence, Kansas destination we take and the main reason being to visit the eldest daughter, soon to be Dr. Daughter. (Pardon this  outburst moment of pride.) 

The KU Campus was one of the places we took Mother, aka Grandma, to see. You can hover your mouse over each pic for a descriptive caption. It’s a lovely place to visit, with Fraser Hall’s flags flying in the above photo professing (no pun intended) its claim of being the highest point in Lawrence.

Gmatour7 (2)

I present the only actual door for this Thursday Doors collection. I know there are many more eye-catching ones but, sorry, they’ll have to wait until next year.

Waving the wheat is a long-standing KU tradition and this bronze is a tribute to that ritual as well as to the state of Kansas and its great farming legacy.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the Thursday Doors posts this past year and have taken a moment to check out other Door posts starting with Norm 2.0. Click the Blue Frog button at the bottom of his post for doors from around the world.

Happy Holidays from Central Missouri, USA!


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